Thursday, August 16, 2007

Moving on up!

Posting from sunny Florida, where the weather is hot and dry. Since all my family are now bloggers, I decided I would climb on board and try it for myself.

Since it's taken me most of the evening to set this up, I don't have much to write about tonight, but will continue later as I become more aclimated to this unique communication tool.


Anonymous said...

Next thing is she'll want an i-pod.
Watch out 21st Century, here she comes!


Anonymous said...

Hey, this is great. The blog craze has caught on very well. I check Melissa's and Leslie's each day to see what's going on in their life. Liz has done a good job of giving people a glimpse of our life on her blog. Many of our friends from college have blogs and we keep up with them better that ever before! Sounds great!


Kristi said...

Hi Mrs. Sharon! I'm glad you left a comment on my blog. I told Mom that you did. I am going to put a link to your blog on mine so she can see yours too.

I am enjoying seeing Melissa and Leslie's families. This blog thing is the neatest ever...